Hotaru Bloodfury
A bush seems to shake nearby rustling quite ferociously but instead of a monster a green Miqote shows herself. "Oh sorry did I scare you I didn't mean to"
Hotaru started her life with no family and living on the streets of Ul'dah. For the first 8 years of her life she had no name just an urchin on the street many saw her as an eyesore no one would even hear her pleas for help. It wasn't until a roaming merchant from Kugane made his way to the city noticing the small miqo stealing some bread from a nearby stall he took pity on her. He paid for what she stole and approached her later on the night after she had her small meal. The man never gave his name only a hand to hold.
Giving her a space to stay for a short while it was the first time she had felt any kind of love a stranger who actually cared it was strange to her she didn't know what to make of this. Many days had passed with him as a short time carer she was given new clothes ones that weren't as ragged but nothing fancy she was fed well and she was finally given a spark to her life. While his stay was brief he had promised that he would return to her so she should stay bright giving him an idea for her name Hotaru. It meant firefly in his language and so she would roam once more on he streets with a new appreciation for living. The merchant would frequent back to Ul'dah a time she would look forward to the most.
However this wouldn't last long one day when the merchant was back she returned to the temporary lodgings the merchant had bought for his stay. When opening the door there was a crimson flash in her eyes. All she could see was the red of his blood splattered around the room the room battered from a struggle. The man she had admired for being such a kind soul laid down on the floor she runs to him vigorously shaking him with all her strength. There was no response no matter what she did there was no life left in him. She wailed in agony for hours sitting alone with the corpse. Footsteps could be heard the brass blades marched towards the room she couldn't think she was scared of what would happen to her, the treatment they once showed her would surely be the same and so she ran. From the window she leapt landing on the hard floor. No one saw her finally being lucky but still she ran far reaching the wilds of western Thanalan.
Hotaru would wash off the blood by a nearby river crying away as she thought of all the kindness she knew was gone. Soon a nearby gigantoad had wandered over and found the defenceless miqote. No where to run she stayed looking at the ground to await her demise but fate would not allow that to happen. Once more a wandering traveller found her an elegant storm of chakrams and charms flutter in the air striking the beast down. The midlander introduced herself as Nashmeira the leader of a Thavnarian dance troupe. Hotaru stayed silent partly from fear but also from awe she was amazed at what she saw. Making their way to horizon originally Nashmeira was going to leave Hotaru with the local brass blades but seeing how the miqo had quivered with fear deciding to give her an opportunity. She could either stay in Thanalan with her current life or join the troupe travelling the world to learn the craft. "Why would she do this" Hotaru had thought confused at such a spur of the moment decision given to her. However she did not need time to think jumping at this opportunity they made their way to the docks beginning the journey toward Thavnair where she would begin her new life.
When she had left at just the young age of 13 she never thought she would ever return to Eorzea again but there was a growing spark inside her that could not rest. She knew how hard it was to be homeless in the city that worships those who can make a profit there was a goal she needed to complete and that was to bring smiles to those who need it most. Seven years away now 20 years old she was back to her original home a new person now a street performer one that had something for everyone. The children would laugh the and adults would cheer whenever she would perform all except one man would crack a smile. The Warrior of Light although not known by that epithet just yet would hide his face behind a mask now what an odd brooding man just the type she needed to give her attention to. Following the man she annoyed him insistently and yet no response any normal person would just leave him be but Hotaru was not normal. Unable to be rid of her she had joined along the lone adventurer spending 2 years on many adventures. These adventures would not last forever she eventually would stop fighting and return to her entertainer role. Roaming the streets of Ul'dah joining in a family made up of abandoned and unwanted misfits gave her a stronger resolve to dance and bring as much joy to the world once more.
Name: Hotaru Bloodfury
Race: Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Home world: Primal, Lamia
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship status: Single
Profession: Street performer, Courtesan(Afterglow)
Likes: The smile of others, A good nap, Beautiful stary nights, A little praise <3 and getting to know others.
Dislikes: Random hostility, Being ignored(So rude >:0), Bad days.
Personality: Despite her roles she is actually quite shy to meet new people but once she gets comfortable she is one of the sweetest most thoughtful Miqo you'll know.
Images by Adachi Okumura@ Behemoth

Images by Myself